Have you ever wondered what the Chamber is about? Join us at our annual membership drive to find out; everyone is welcome. Usually held in the Drake Room at the Lucky Duck with live entertainment sponsored by the Gibbon Chamber of Commerce.

Helping the future leaders of Gibbon by providing two $250 scholarships to Gibbon Public School seniors (one boy and one girl).

The Chamber is excited to organize this event for the community and to bring visitors from the surrounding areas to town. While shopping for your treasures be sure to stop into one of our great member establishments.

4-person scramble at Gibbon’s very own Valley View Golf Course. Come out and have some fun and help raise money for future scholarships & 4th of July funds.

The Chamber sponsors the 10:00 AM Parade followed by bounce houses, games, food trucks and more at Davis Park. Free will donations appreciated for the Davis Park activities. There are many other member-sponsored events throughout the day, including Free Swimming at Gibbon’s swimming pool, entertainment, lots of good food and more.

All are welcome to register and it is usually one of the last 5k races high school runners can compete in before NSAA fall sports begin. Kids (10 and under) compete in a 1.25-mile Kids Fun Run or in the 5k race. 1.25 mile has medals going to the top 5 male and top 5 female finishers. There are 7 age divisions for the 5k race with medals going to the top 3 male and top 3 female finishers in each division. This is a great fundraising activity for the Gibbon Cross Country program.

Fun for the whole family. The Gibbon Tractor Pull Association hosts a truck & tractor pullers competition on the west side of Gibbon.

Come enjoy great food, have lots of fun, and support our first responders at their biggest fundraiser of the year. Gibbon Volunteer Fire Department’s Annual BBQ Cookoff also includes a Cornhole tournament, live entertainment with a street dance, and last year included a sanctioned Nebraska State Fair Qualifying Kids’ Pedal Pull competition

Gibbon FBLA, Gibbon Fire/Rescue hosts the annual “Scare the Square” usually provides a hot dog meal, candy, games & prizes (Donations are Accepted). Then a walk to the bricks for the Gibbon’s Trunk or Treat organized by the Gibbon Chamber of Commerce

Christmas in the Park’s tree decoration competition. A tree lighting ceremony with chili, hot dogs, hot cocoa and cider. Take a charming hayrack ride though the park, dive into a captivating storybook walk at the library and more.

Give Where You Live event, the of the first fundraising event for Gibbon’s 4th of July celebration. Make sure to visit www.givewhereyoulive.net give to Gibbon 4th of July Celebration and look around at the other Gibbon area non-profit organizations that you may wish to donate as well.